Passion Story Project 2019

We recently celebrated Holy Week, and we’ve been focusing on the story of Jesus from Maundy Thursday through Easter Sunday.  The students were assigned parts of the story, and created the people and props that went along with their assigned parts.  Then, using a green screen app, they filmed their portion of the story, using green Starbucks straws to move their characters without being seen.  Once all the parts were put together into this iMovie, it tells the whole story of the Passion of Jesus Christ!

Here is the finished product:

Passion Story Green Screen Project 2016

This past week, Holy Week, we spent our Religion class recreating the Passion Story of Jesus.  The students used paper to create small puppets and props for their group’s scene.  Then, using green straws (thank you, Starbucks!!), they attached their creations and acted out the scenes in front of a green screen while reading their part of the story from the Bible.  Scenes were set on a background they found online, that went with their scene.  Wonderful creativity in the creating of their people and scenery for these scenes.  And what a great story to tell.  Enjoy this journey to the cross, which begins on Maundy Thursday and concludes after Jesus rose on Easter Sunday.  Christ is risen!!

Greek Mythology Unit 2015

Right before Christmas break, we wrapped up our study of Greek Mythology.  This is always a fun unit, as both 4th grade classes are studying at the same time, and we get to switch classrooms for different weeks of the unit!  We learn about Heracles, the Trojan War, and other minor Greek myths. Also during this unit are various projects, both art-based and technology-based.  I would like to share with you some photos of the fun we had during this unit.  🙂


Pin the Snake on Medusa…hilarious game to watch and play!!  Remember…if you look directly at her, you turn to stone!!

Some pictures from our Greek scenes.  Students were put into groups, and each group picked a Greek myth we studied out of a hat.  They then had to pick the main scenes from their myth, map out how they wanted to “illustrate” each scene, and then do the illustrations using themselves as the characters.  All props, outfits, and accessories were created by the students with their groups.  It was a fun (and messy!) project.  Once we took pictures of all the illustrations, the next day each member of the group got to write a summary of what was happening in each scene.  These summaries and the pictures were then put in order to tell the story of their myth.  Summarizing skills, writing…and crazy messy fun!  Good times.



Tropical Rainforest Unit 2015

Well, better late than never on my FAVORITE unit of the year, our Tropical Rainforest Unit!!  🙂  I’m going to share some projects that we worked on throughout this unit.

We did all sorts of project learning, from hands-on creations to tech projects.  Some of the hands-on projects included: researching and creating models of the 4 layers of the rainforest…measuring out life-sized rainforest creatures and creating them to their actual size…a reader’s theater puppet show…and various writing projects that we used to add to our rainforest classroom decor.  Some of the tech projects included: commercials encouraging people to save the rainforest (made using iMovie)…and animal reports!  We also went on a rainforest-themed field trip to the zoo!!  Below are pictures and videos of our experiences.  Enjoy, and maybe learn something along the way!!  🙂


















Civil War & Underground Railroad Song Parodies

We just wrapped up our study of the Civil War and the Underground Railroad in Indiana.  As a wrap up activity, the students worked on some song parodies.  They chose a song that they knew well, and changed the words to the song, giving facts and information about either the Civil War or the Underground Railroad in their rewritten lyrics.  Here are the final productions, written, performed, and recorded by the students in 4R!!  🙂

Green Screens and the Passion Story of Jesus

We have spent this week leading up to Spring Break working hard on a technology project for Religion class.  The students were put into groups, and each group was assigned a portion of the Passion/Easter story from the Bible.  They then were to make people, props, and anything else they would need to act out their part in front of a green screen.  The catch was, it had to be small in size, as our green screens were just pieces of construction paper, and our people and props were attached to green straws (Shout out to Starbucks!  Thanks for letting us “borrow” them!).

Here are some pictures of the filming process today.  At the end of this post is the finished product, with all the parts stitched together to tell the greatest story ever told.




